Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm stressed...very, very stressed... and disappointed in certain folks in my life at the moment. I can't understand why people insist on hurting other people who are good to them and treat them right. I thrive to be a respectful, hard working, loyal worker and try to treat my co-workers with respect and consideration... why then do I get treated like crap?? It seems like the good tend to get kicked to the ground as soon as they appear to be too good...people don't seem to like it when a person is nicer than them...when one person is appreciated more or recognized more by their employer.... I suppose it's easy to become intimidated by a person who's friendly, fun and loved when your world is in shambles and you feel unloved and under valued... I must forgive these people, and try to forget...but let it be known that I will not continue to let myself be treated in this way... I don't deserve it... I'm a good person and I will follow my bliss wherever it takes me....

Ciao Bellas...


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Damn you flu bug!!!

You guessed it I'm sure by the title of this entry...I've got the damn flu! Let me tell doesn't matter what you're doing...where you've been, who you're with...when the flu knocks you down like a Mac truck doing 180 went from tired (because I'd been working 13 hour days) to vomiting my guts out at 3 in the morning...not pretty my, that had me down for 2 days...I went back to work then on my ass again! This time diarrhea...NICE! NOT!! LOL...what is it about getting older that makes you more susceptible to every little bug that goes around...and recovery is slow as muscles were aching...head pounding...throat put it mildly; I was a chocolate, I think I've recovered...though I'm not quite sure yet...I'll let you know in the next few days...but thanks to some pretty special people in my life, I've managed to keep a smile on my face throughout my harrowing you all!

Ciao for now my pretties...
Love Mamacita

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Non-Break

The children are off on their well earned spring breaks...parents are already pulling their hair out of their heads dreading the week for one am working the entire "march break"...therefore, no break for me...although along with my new status as a newly engaged woman I am also inheriting a new family.... my future husband Troy has 3 children...a son named Alex who is 13 ( who doesn't live with him) and 2 daughters...Alaina, aged 6 and Amelia aged 3 who does live with him, or should I, I am now the mother of my 18 year old Jessica-Dawn as well as step mother to 3 new children...all of whom I love very very much... Christmas will definitely be much more exciting this year....presents, and food and laughter, oh my! lol...well, I'm going to go enjoy my only semi-day off in 14 days and I'll be sure to keep you all updated on all the new and exciting developments in my life...Love you all!!!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mamacita's ENGAGED!!!

Holy crap people...I'm be married...LOL!! Can you believe it??? I thought I was going to die a lonely divorcee with nobody to love...but alas, I have found love...I have found a wonderful, loving, sensitive, considerate, funny, charming, sexy man...He's fantastic and makes me feel special every single moment of every single day... I love you Babe! You are my heart and my soul...I DO!! :o)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's a new dawn...

Melancholy beware...optimism has returned. Sad days have gone by and I am once again relishing in the wonderment that is happiness. Things certainly have taken a turn for the better. I have a wonderful family and I love each and every one of them...I do...they make me incredibly happy and I am truly following my bliss...That's all I have to say for now...I'm happy...really, really happy...Ciao for now my bellas...xoxoxo