Friday, February 27, 2009


Everybody is entitled to an off day. Today seems to be mine. There is about 5 feet of freshly fallen snow just outside my door...there's no end to the negative commentary about Mother Nature and her endless destructive rampage against us Northerners... I'm sitting here in my living room trying to enjoy the last hours of my day off, but I feel tired, sad, frustrated and incredibly lonely. I'll be working straight through for the next 7 days...non-stop...I'm not feeling well, and I miss my guy terribly. The snow is not only inundating every single inch of the city, but is hogging all my man's time. I haven't spent any time alone with him in days...and I miss him...I miss him terribly...I know everybody's used to me being happy go lucky and cheerful all the time...but I'm down happens...thankfully, not often...Ciao bellas...send good vibes my way will ya! xo

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My bucket list...

Hey everybody...well, I received a note on facebook called the bucket list...and as I'm sure you're all aware, a bucket list is a list of things you'd like to do or accomplish before you "kick the bucket", I filled out the questionnaire on facebook but it really got me thinking about what it is I truly want to accomplish during my limited time here on I've started putting together my proverbial "bucket list" it is, in no particular order...and certainly not anywhere near finished...

1) weigh between 130 and 150
2) write a book
3) marry the man of my dreams
4) travel to europe
5) go on a caribbean cruise
6) run in an international marathon for Team Diabetes
7) learn to play guitar
8) learn a new language
9) buy a house
10) save money for retirement
11) learn more about astronomy and astrology
12) witness a miracle
13) witness the birth of a baby (yes, I've given birth but was too busy giving birth to watch..LOL)
14) do something that will inspire others
15) buy a SUV
16) make an art quilt
17) appear in a play
18) see a play on Broadway
19) go white water rafting
20) learn to fly a helicopter
21) attend mardi gras in New Orleans
22) visit the world's greatest wonders
23) visit the Maritime Provinces...I've seen all other provinces starting with Quebec going all the way to BC...
24) visit all 50 states

Okay, that's what I've come up with for now...I'm sure I'll be adding to the list as I think of more things...but for now, this will be many of these would you like to do???
Ciao for now my pretties...I'm off to enjoy my day off...:o)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

An evening with Ron James...

Well people, I just got back from seeing Ron James live at the Fraser Auditorium...and let me tell ya...that guy is friggin hilarious...I haven't laughed so much in a long time...I thought I had a great time at the bowling extravaganza last night, but this was right up there, I must admit I was taken by surprise by the amount of my co-workers I encountered at the show...I didn't expect to see so many of them...ah well, it was all good clean fun and I was sitting beside Rick, the political jokes were that much funnier...LOL...boy did he shuffle in his seat quite funny! Anyway, I had a great time...and want to thank Yves for coming with me as a last minute ya bud! Anyway, that's it for now, I must get ready to bed awaits...night night!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A bowling I will go...

Okay people...tonight is finally the night...the night of the long anticipated...rarely duplicated...big gay (with one straight chick) bowling extravaganza...Can't wait...I'm gonna kick some, maybe not...I kind of suck at bowling...but I do love it immensely...I might have gotten a bit better with help from my mother's I hope so...Humiliation better not be in the cards! Please God let me be the high scorer for once...let me put my friends to shame...let them bow and say my name...LOL!! Okay, okay, let me at least not be the lowest gal on the totem pole and we'll call it even! We're even going out to Montana's where according to my friend Dominic there are many many HOT waiters...Oh my! lol...hope the food's as good as the view! lol...Ah well, I guess I'll soon find out...but first I must go to work and slave for 8 hours...perhaps see my guy and pinch his hot then, and only then will I be ready to face the big gay bowling extravaganza that is ahead of me...wish me luck...hi ho hi ho, a bowling I will go....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hacker...who art thou?

Well well seems somebody out there in cyber space is having one heck of a good time hacking my facebook account...changing my personal information...the lot...I must say I'm rather surprised they would pick on me...I mean, I'm not that interesting...I'm not famous, or rich, or popular...but apparently I'm special enough to be messed with. Well, I just want to let you know, whoever you are, that you haven't gotten the best of info's been changed and I've already moved on as I'm sure you've already found your next victim of cyber crime. I'm just intensely disappointed in your behaviour...though I realize that you must be an immature, selfish, rather stupid and small minded person, I do feel bad that you have nothing better to do with your time than to pick on somebody who's actually a very kind, generous, loving person who would not hurt another person if she were paid to do so... I forgive you, whoever you are. I hope you can forgive yourself and move on. Que sera sera...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Frustration part deux...

I just wanted to take a moment to apologize to somebody special who made an enormous effort to try to make my Valentine's Day extra special...I know I previous eluded to the fact that the bulk of the day sucked...but alas there was a bright spot...Thank you for the beautiful lily...the delectable chocolate...the dinner...your are a truly remarkable person... Thank you...and Happy Valentine's day...


Okay've guessed it...I'm having a very frustrating day...I love my kid, but there's just something about teenagers and attitude that don't mix...I came home yesterday after a really long day at the flower shop and found my house had been hit by Hurricane Jessica...FUCK! I love her, I do...I really really do...but I've gotten used to coming home to my peaceful apartment...and just plunking my tired ass onto my couch and vegging...but that's not happening anymore...I can't find the damn couch...apparently Jess has decided to remodel...or do an early spring cleaning...or some friggin thing...and what it boils down to is that my room...bathroom and every nook and cranny in between in cluttered up with fucking junk gallore! It's not good for my sanity...I need some kind of strategy that will help me rekindle a bit of my former calm and serenity before I completely lose the plot...maybe I should take up yoga...or tai chi...or something zen-like...I don't know...Valentine's day sucked...for more reasons than one...and now my kid's home and tearing the place apart...HELP!!!!!!!!! I need somebody to take me out of someplace relaxing...someplace where I can turn my brain off for awhile and just chill...any suggestions?? Oh well...I think I'll go take a shower...perhaps throw on a movie...hibernate in my room and come out in the early morning light hopefully refreshed and sporting a more positive outlook...wish me luck...Ciao, adieu...buh bye la...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Waiting is all I seem to do these days...I wait for the bus, I wait in line for coffee, I wait in line at the grocery store, I wait for lunch, I wait for the end of the day to go home...I wait for a ride, or the bus again...I wait for phone calls, for mail, and for that special someone to come over. I wait, and wait, and wait. Have I mentioned how much I hate waiting?? I do...I hate me me hasty, call me whatever the hell you want...but I'm telling you right here and now...I hate to wait! Right now, as we speak I am waiting...waiting for somebody to keep his word and come over...waiting to see him so that I can feel that special tingle only he can make me feel...I'm waiting to see his beautiful smile...waiting to hold his hear his husky voice speak my name...I'm waiting for him to hold me, feel me...I'm waiting....

Monday, February 9, 2009


Tonight I wanted to write a bit about what's in my heart. I'm in love....sooooo in love. The man to whom I owe this outpouring of emotion is a tall, dark and handsome fella...charming, sweet and extremely passionate. He's funny and wise and makes my heart skip a beat every time he walks into the room. I get chills whenever I hear his name spoken and I get as nervous as a schoolgirl when I know he's around. I just wanted him to know that if he's reading this...I love you! I love you I love you, I really really do... Can't wait for the future because I know you're in it...thank you for today, yesterday...and for all the tomorrows to come...You are my heart...I LOVE YOU!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Here I go a' musing.....

It's early morning...6:24 am to be exact...I woke up before the alarm...I have a headache...I have to get ready for work...although I feel a bit shitty the thought of heading into work and seeing my guy makes me smile...the thought of a nice hot coffee courtesy of my elderly co-worker Margaret also brings a smile to my lips...I'm sure Margaret may have been the original Mrs. see, she's an old Scottish woman who can tell you stories of being in London during WWII...ah yes, the lass has many a story about the war...the potato famine, the wild parties on the Isle of Man...the dampness that invaded her bones on the best of days...and an array of old Scottish customs that would make anybody laugh...(though not to her face). You see, even though she rambles; and ramble she anybody who'll listen poor girl...she's probably the best co-worker a gal could have...she's taught me so much in the wee bit I've known her. I am now an excellent brass, silver and copper polisher...I've learned that you can either do a job well...(which usually entails ripping a place apart to get into all the nooks and crannies) or you can do it's really up to you....I've learned that sometimes saying nothing at all is better than charging in like a bull in a china shop...and I've learned that even though people may come from a different country and a different time, have vastly different backgrounds...they all love the same...and I must say...I love you Margaret! Thanks for being you! You wee Scottish lass! XOXO
So, with that I bid you adieu...musing's done for today... Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is it about love?

What is it about love that has us so distracted?
Is it the passion and the lust to which we are attracted?
A million stars light up the sky the first time two people kiss.
The gentleness is profound when bodies mesh in carnal bliss.
There is another side to love however, that most often than not,
Is ugly, hard and cruel, for which we have forgot.
For all the beauty that love brings, tables too often are turned.
Then bitterness sets in, we are broken, we are burned.
So what is it about love that keeps us on it's track?
Perhaps it's the hope that someday,
Someone will love us back!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chiropractor, chiropractor, crack me up please!

Well, as most of you know, I fell a few weeks back and sprained my hip. Today however, I went to my second visit to the chiropractor... I met Dr. Sherri a few months ago when she was adjusting the backs of my employer's dogs...yes...the I had no idea if she was any good because the dogs haven't said a word about it to me...but, I figured what the certainly couldn't hurt...could it? Well, on my first visit Sherri took a scan of my entire spinal column, as well as my feet...I watched a little video about what chiropractic care could do for me and then she adjusted my back...initially everything felt good...that was on friday...on sunday my neck was killing me...I worked it out with A5-3-5, tylenol, ibuprofen and a muscle better on sunday evening...Monday was a new day...bringing me to my second appointment...this time Dr. Sherri gave me all the results of my scans...well, I'm in bad spine looks like something out of the X, she did assure me that she'll have me back up and running in no time...another 100 adjustments and boom, I'll be a new
Well, upon my return to work, my employer, who is a very witty, sarcastic and funny man says: "How did it go?" I say "Not bad, but she said my back's in bad shape...look at the copy of the scan she took of my back...I've got more verterbra out than I do in!!" lol...and my employer, being the man that he is says to me..."Well, when is she putting you down??" LMAO!! I said, "I'm not sure, but I'll let you know if it comes down to that." LOL! Well, after a few more comments about my going to the vet to get my back adjusted, I laughed, told him he was silly, and left him. What a day this was........... Adieu, Salut, Goodbye...Ciao...

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hello...I realize it's time for a blog update. I've been so busy between work, falling down the stairs and spraining my hip, catching the flu and falling madly, deeply in love that I've had absolutely not had the luxury of the time nor the inclination to muse on any subject whatsoever. I suppose it is time to rectify this however so here I go.

Things I've learned in January 2009:
1- slippery steps should be salted by your landlord at all times or else you'll slip and fall down every single one of the bastards...
2- a constipated dog is not a picnic
3- old people get sick, have strokes...tell you you're getting married to "some fella" and the next day forget all about it...
4- I'm learning to love my new slimmer body
5- even at 38, when that special someone looks at me and smiles, I become the sexiest creature on the planet
6- I feel like a teenager because the man I love told me he loves me too...I'm now officially the happiest woman in the world...

I know this note is short and sweet, and perhaps lacking in the musing department...but all I can think about is him...and how much I love him...ah oui, c'est l'amour!!!!!!